A spot treatment that does the job!

Neutrogena visibly clear rapid treatment
I have been through lots of spot creams and none have really made a difference. I finally found one that does the job well. I use the Neutrogena visibly clear rapid treatment. It comes out a clear gel with a baby lotion smell which is not to strong and disappears within a few seconds. I apply this spot cream at night time because I feel it gives my spots a good treatment after a day of make up. It feels tingly but not stingy when I apply it directly onto the spot and drys into my skin really quickly. I notice the next morning that my spots have become smaller and the redness has gone. The spot cream dries my spots up to a point where I have to use a cleanser when the cream has dried in to stop my skin drying up.

I really know this spot treatment works because when I ran out of it, I didn't buy it for a few weeks and in them weeks my skin was terrible. The spots were getting really red and my skin really needed the spot cream. I could not handle my skin no longer so I went out and repurchased the Neutrogena spot treatment and no sooner did I put it on, my skin calmed down so quick, my spots were drying up and my skin was back to normal. So I really do know this works wonders for keeping my acne at bay. 
I love to also use this if I feel a spot coming up I apply it on the bump and the next morning the swelling has gone down and no spot has popped up.

The only bad side to this product is the bottle is small, so you use it up quickly and go through so many bottles. I wish they made a bigger bottle! If any of you girls are having some acne problems this wont take it fully away but it will make your acne dry up and become less red! I highly recommend.

Makeup with Kimmy ❤ xo

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