Beauty tricks that are great to know for everyday.
Hey girls. So I thought about doing a blog post on a few little tips and tricks I have used and loved.
1. Blush and Chap stick.
When you wake up and get ready you must notice your lips have not got much colour in them or when you want a light colour on your lips nothing heavy this is a great thing to do. Get a chap stick and a blush colour you want to use. Rub some blush on your finger and then onto the chap stick you will see the colour on the chap stick and then apply to your lips and you have nice pinky lips looking natural.
2. A Plastic bag and moisturizer.
When your feet are feeling very ruff and you can see dead skin,Or you need to pamper your feet, This is a great thing to do. Grab a good moisturizer and massage it in your feet for a couple of minutes. Take a plastic bag and wrap it around your feet, walking with the plastic bag will be dangerous because it will be slippy with the moisturizer so I suggest you do this at night time. Leave the bag on for a couple of hours or all night and you will see a difference in your skin on your feet. They will be very moisturized and your dead skin will be gone.
3. Exfoliate your lips+Homemade lip scrub.
All you need to do to exfoliate your lips is take your toothbrush wet it and gently scrub your lips. Or you can take a flannel wet it and gently scrub. You can even make your own sugar lip scrub by taking olive oil and sugar, put a tiny bit of sugar and a tablespoon of olive oil into a bowl, you will want more sugar than oil. Stir until it makes a paste consistency. Then scrub it on your lips and rinse off. The sugar is going to exfoliate gently and the oil will moisturize. You can also use this as a body scrub just do a lot more for your body. This is natural and items we all have in our kitchen.
4. Vaseline Trick to help out with shoes rubbing.
Them nights out and your feet are so sore with blisters because of them gorgeous but painful high heels. This will help your feet so much it really works. So all you need is the good old Vaseline dip your finger into it and then rub it on your feet where you know your shoes will rub and hurt. Don't make it to thick where your foot will slip. The Vaseline will act as a barrier and keep them nasty blisters at bay. This is also good for people who are on their feet at work or shopping. Give it ago, It works!
5.Mascara fix.
This is for them times where you get mascara on your lid or nose and you do not want to mess up your makeup. Your first reaction will be to rub it off quickly but that will cause it to smudge or leave a black shadow. You need to wait until it drys then take a cotton bud and rub gently, you will see how easy and quick it comes out without leaving anything behind.
6. A business card trick.
If you are struggling to get your V shape with your eyeshadow all you need to do is take a business card or a piece of card and line it up with your eyebrow to the corner of your eye. This will guide you and you will know where you need to put your eyeshadow. I do this when I struggle to get that shape sometimes and it really helps and guides me. You can also use this trick to get a great contour for your cheekbones. Line the card to the top of your ear and go down in an angle you will then see where your cheekbone starts and where you need to put your bronzer.
I love these tricks and they do work and make life a little easier!
Makeup with Kimmy ❤ xo